Data Visualization with Grafana - Platform Quick Start

Hi folks. I'm sure we all get asks from our business stakeholder to create reports so they can see key performance indicators and make decisions. I don't know about you yet when I hear the word 'report' I cringe because it congers up several key words for me: long lead time, slow, more emails, out of date. Let's face it the 'report' is as out of date as faxing. So what can you do to drop the 'report' and deliver relevant dashboards, on demand, on the go? Today I'd like to help you get started on your data visualization and dashboard journey with Grafana. We'll make use of several Azure services to get a serveless sandbox up and running quickly. Ready? Let's go! Grafana Grafana is an open source data visualization and dashboard platform developed in 2014 by Torkel Ödegaard so that he had a better way to visualize time series data across multiple data platforms. Fast forward 6 years and Grafana is now in its 7.0 release supporting over 30 ...