re:Invent 2018 ... There's Always Room for More CloudFormation and Containers
Well, re:Invent 2018 is about 2 weeks out and I'm pretty much locked in (aka waitlisted) on my schedule. Is it just me or does every session fill up in less than 15 minutes? This year I'm looking to dive into more automation and containers.
Here's a few of the sessions I'm planning on attending.
CON214: Mythical Mysfits: Monolith to Microservice with Docker and AWS Fargate
A foundational container workshop with AWS's managed container service. I'm hoping to discover a few tricks to modernizing legacy apps.
WIN314: Modernize Your First Windows Application with Windows Containers
Grab your .Net app and shove it into a Windows Container ... in 60 minutes or less. Go!
CON306: Observability for Modern Applications
Monitoring, tracking, logging, etc for composite applications. It's challenging to get visibility across all the components of your application when they turn into a bunch of microservices.
CON210: Security for Containers on ECS
ENT223: Discover & Migrate at Scale with AWS Migration Hub & Application Discovery Service
All about making the most of AWS migration tools to discover and migrate a large chunk of servers.
DEV308: Earn Your DevOps Black Belt
Well, if I have to get a black belt it might as well be a DevOps one! In this session the focus is on hooking up CloudFormation with your deployment pipeline.
DEV335: Hands-On with Advanced AWS CloudFormation
And ... more CloudFormation! CloudFormation must be like Jell-O ... there's always room for more.
Well, that's my plan for the week and I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot. Feel free to drop me some comments and thanks for reading! See you in Vegas.
#reInvent #AWS #Amazon #Jello #CloudFormation #Containers #Migration #DevOps #OpsForward #Vegas #Cloud
Here's a few of the sessions I'm planning on attending.
CON214: Mythical Mysfits: Monolith to Microservice with Docker and AWS Fargate
A foundational container workshop with AWS's managed container service. I'm hoping to discover a few tricks to modernizing legacy apps.
WIN314: Modernize Your First Windows Application with Windows Containers
Grab your .Net app and shove it into a Windows Container ... in 60 minutes or less. Go!
CON306: Observability for Modern Applications
Monitoring, tracking, logging, etc for composite applications. It's challenging to get visibility across all the components of your application when they turn into a bunch of microservices.
CON210: Security for Containers on ECS
Security ... need I say any more. OK I will ... I'm very interested to understand how things are different in container land. For example patching a container is a much different process flow than the traditional server OS update process.
ENT223: Discover & Migrate at Scale with AWS Migration Hub & Application Discovery Service
All about making the most of AWS migration tools to discover and migrate a large chunk of servers.
DEV308: Earn Your DevOps Black Belt
Well, if I have to get a black belt it might as well be a DevOps one! In this session the focus is on hooking up CloudFormation with your deployment pipeline.
DEV335: Hands-On with Advanced AWS CloudFormation
And ... more CloudFormation! CloudFormation must be like Jell-O ... there's always room for more.
Well, that's my plan for the week and I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot. Feel free to drop me some comments and thanks for reading! See you in Vegas.
#reInvent #AWS #Amazon #Jello #CloudFormation #Containers #Migration #DevOps #OpsForward #Vegas #Cloud