IBM and Redhat ... Go Big Purple Hat?

Good Monday morning! Wow, interesting news about IBM acquiring Redhat. Does this mean we get Big Purple or Purple Hat? I've seen quite a few folks pondering what this means including me. So I thought I'd share a few facts that seem worthwhile. If IBM counts RedHat's $2.9B USD revenue toward cloud then it pushes them to $21.9B USD which is right in the mix with Microsoft's $26.7B and Amazon's $23.4B. ( Read more at Forbes ) RedHat's OpenShift container platform (Docker and Kubernetes) gives IBM a full ownership stake in a market leader in this space. A move which could reduce their reliance on Pivotal Cloud Foundry PaaS which is owned/controlled by Dell ( Read more at SDx Central and Forbes ) IBM released a PaaS offering called Bluemix in 2014 that leverages Pivotal CloudFoundary. IBM rebranded it IBM Cloud. Pivotal completed an IPO in April 2018 and is majority owned by Dell ( Read more at Seeking Alpha ) Adoption of the open source Kubernetes ...